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Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum
Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum
Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum is situated on just over 300 acres of land located in the city of Pittsburgh. Incorporated in 1844, Allegheny Cemetery was designed as a rural cemetery. The native collection of trees includes white oak, northern red oak, American beech, basswood, black gum, sugar maple, red maple, yellow buckeye, hackberry, hawthorn, and dogwood among others. The ornamental collection at Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum includes many cultivars of tree chosen for their aesthetics; these include pears, apples, cherries, magnolias, native and nonnative dogwoods, Japanese maples, fringe trees, and yellowwoods. One of the staple species of tree in Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum is the oak. There are currently 10 species of oak at Allegheny Cemetery Arboretum.