February 7: Horticulture Symposium, Kennett Square, PA, USA
November 20-21: Partners in Community Forestry Conference, Chicago, IL., USA
October 8-9: APGA Plant Collections Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA
October 7-10: International Oak Symposium; Knoxville, TN, USA
August 12-14: ISA Annual International Conference; Atlanta, GA., USA
August 5- 10: 8th Global Botanic Gardens Congress; Singapore
July 21-24: Northern Nut Growers Association & Chestnut Growers of America Conference, Syracuse, NY, USA
July 19: Woody Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA, USA
June 24-27: American Public Gardens Conference; Boston, MA, USA
June 13-16: National Conifer Society Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, USA
May 2-3: Center for Plant Conservation National Meeting, San Diego, CA. USA
April 26: National Arbor Day, USA
February 16-18: Magnolia Society International Annual Meeting, Huntington, CA, USA
February 12-16: Botanical Bridges Congress, Columbia
December 12-13: ISA International Virtual Conference
November 7-8: 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, online
November 2: Urban Forest Symposium, Seattle, WA, USA & online
October 16-20: 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests, Washington, D.C., USA
October 11-12: Landscape Below Ground V Conference; Lisle, IL. USA
October 3-7: The Mexican Association of Botanical Gardens National Conference, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
August 14-16: ISA Annual International Conference; Albuquerque, NM, USA
July 14: Woody Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA, USA
June 5-8: American Public Gardens Conference; Dallas, Texas, USA
May 29: Botanic Gardens Day, Australia and New Zealand
May 29-June 2: IX World Magnolia Symposium, Honduras
May 24-26: European Forum on Urban Forestry, Krakow, Poland
May 4-6: Center for Plant Conservation National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ., USA
April 28; National Arbor Day, USA
April 26-29: American Conifer Society National Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA
March 26-April 6 - Magnolia Society International Annual Meeting, Germany
December 13-14: ISA Virtual Conference
November 16-17: Partners in Community Forestry Conference, Seattle, WA., USA
November 14-18: 2022 Botanical Bridges Congress; Eleuthera, The Bahamas
September 26-30: 7th Global Botanic Gardens Congress; Melbourne, Australia
September 12-14: International Society of Arboriculture Conference; Malmö, Sweden
September 15-18: American Conifer Society National Meeting; West Conshohocken, PA,USA
August 30 - September 2: International Oak Society Conference; Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
July 15: Woody Plant Conference; Swarthmore College, PA, USA
June 20-24: American Public Gardens Association Conference; Portland, OR, US
May 29: Botanic Gardens Day, Australia and New Zealand
May 16-20: EuroGard IX: European Botanic Garden Congress; Budapest, Hungary
May 4-6: Center for Plant Conservation National Meeting; Denver, CO. USA
April 8-19: Magnolia Society International Meeting; Germany
February 5: Midwest Perennial Plant Symposium (online & in person)
January 26: Intro to Ecological Restoration (online)
December 13-16: International Society of Arboriculture Virtual Conference and Trade Show
November 17-18: Partners in Community Forestry Conference; Louisville, KY, USA
November 4-5: New Life for Old Cemeteries: Connecting Communities and Open Space - Virtual Conference
October 19-21: Virtual Global Symposium and Workshop, Conserving Exceptional Plants: Cryobiotechnology and the Model of Oaks
October 7, 14, 21: Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Diversifying Conservation with Indigenous Perspectives webinar series
September 28: Becoming an Arboretum: a step by step approach (webinar - Davey Resource Group & ArbNet)
September 14-16: 10th Anniversary ArbNet Virtual Conference
September 3-11: IUCN World Congress, Marseille, France
July 16: Woody Plant Conference; Swarthmore College, PA, USA
June 7-10, American Public Gardens Association Virtual Conference
February 24-26: Reforestation for biodiversity, carbon capture and livelihoods - online conference
February 13: Magnolia Society Internation online Symposium
December 7-11: International Society of Arboriculture Conference and Trade Show; Virtual conference
November 17-20: Partners in Community Forestry Conference; Virtual conference
October 28-30: Promoting Excellence in Horticulture; The Sibbaldia and PlantNetwork Conference; Virtual conference
October 13-15: State of the World's Plants and Fungi; Virtual symposium
September 17 & 24: Midwest Tree and Shrub Conference: Diverse Plantings for a Resilient Future; Virtual conference
June 25th, 30th, July 2nd, 7th, 9th: American Public Gardens Association Conference - virtual conference
May 31: Botanic Gardens Day New Zealand & Australia
May 11-15: POSTPONED 9th Planta Europa Conference; Paris, France
May 8-17: National Public Gardens Week, USA
March 25: Soil Management for Community Trees (Webinar)
March 23-27: Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa (AETFAT); Livingstone, Zambia
March 2-6: Southeastern Partners in Plant Conservation Conference; Atlanta, GA, USA
January 16-17: International Conference on Urban Forestry and Forest Preservation; Rome, Italy
December 3-6: South American Botanic Gardens Network Workshop; Columbia
November 20-21: Partners in Community Forestry Conference; Cleveland, OH, USA
November 3-5: North American Garden Tourism Conference; Victoria, Canada
October 19: The American Chestnut Foundation Conference; Gettysburg, PA, USA
October 10-12: Arboreta Around the World: Share Your Knowledge of Biodiversity; Vallombrosa, Italy
August 25-28: AZH Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
August 9-10: International Society of Arboriculture Conference and Trade Show, Knoxville, TN
August 5-9: Southeast Asia Botanic Gardens Conference, Thailand
July 29: Woody Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA
June 17-21: American Public Gardens Association Conference: Washington D.C. area
June 6-8: The American Conifer Society National Meeting, Silverton, OR.
May 26: Botanic Gardens Day, Australia & New Zealand
May 20-22: Advances and Perspectives of Biodiversity Research and Conservation in Georgia, Georgia
May 13-19: National Public Gardens Week, USA
May 8-9: Plant Network Conference, UK
May 3-5: Magnolia Society International Annual Meeting, USA
April 26: National Arbor Day, USA
February 27-March 1: Development and Membership Symposium, Atlanta, GA.
January 3-4: Xishuangbanna International Symposium, Xishuangbanna, China
Oct. 22-24: International Oak Society Conference, UC Davis Arboretum, Davis, California
Oct. 16-18: American Public Gardens Association: Excellence in Plant Collections Management Symposium, Vancouver, Canada
Oct 15-17: The Landscape Below Ground International Conference, Lisle, IL.
Oct. 9-12: Sentinel plantings for detecting alien, potentially damaging tree pests: State of the Art 2018, Switzerland
Sept. 29-Oct. 1: 2018 International Japanese Garden Conference, Portland, OR.
Sept. 9-14: BGCI's 10th International Congress on Education, "Bringing Life to the City", Warsaw, Poland
August 28-30: Global Partnership For Plant Conservation Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
August 26-30: AZH Annual Conference, Winnepeg, Canada
August 5-8: International Society of Arboriculture Conference and Trade Show, Columbus, Ohio:
July 20: Woody Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA.
June 14-17: The American Conifer Society National Meeting, Raleigh/Durham, NC.
June 4-8: American Public Gardens Association Conference, Southern California
May 27: BGANZ Open Day Australia & New Zealand
May 11 : National Public Gardens Day, USA
May 7-11: Eurogard VIII, Lisbon, Portugal
May 2-3: Outdoor Spaces and Nature-based Programming in Public Gardens: Building the Evidence Base for Early STEM learning, Lisle, IL. USA
April 27: National Arbor Day
April 18-19: Plant Network Annual Conference, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK
March 23-25: Magnolia Society International Annual Meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina,
January 29-30: International Conference on Benefits and Uses of Urban Forests and Trees, Sydney, Australia
Nov 1-3:IUFRO special working group on Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae genetics and genomics, Shanghai, China
Nov 1-3: American Public Gardens Association Symposium Educational LIfe Cycles, Richmond, VA.
Oct. 25-27: American Public Gardens Association Native Plants and Plant Conservation Symposium, Framington, MA
Oct. 22-25: BGANZ Congress, Adelaide, South Australia
Oct. 6: American Chestnut Foundation Annual Meeting - South Portland, Maine
Sept. 13-15: American Public Gardens Association Arts & Exhibitions Symposium - Denver, CO
Aug. 17-19: American Conifer Society National Meeting, East Syracuse, NY
July 28-Aug 2: International Society of Arboriculture International Conference, Maryland, USA
July 21 : Woody Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA.
July 21-24 : Oak Open Days, Czech Republic
June 26-30 : 6th Global Botanic Gardens Congress (Geneva, Switzerland)
June 19-23 : American Public Gardens Association Conference, Hamilton & Niagara, Ontario
May 28 : BGANZ Open Day
May 12 : National Public Gardens Day
May 4-15 : Magnolia Society International Annual Meeting, Sweden
April 28 : Arbor Day
April 26 - 27 : Plant Network Annual conference 'Connecting gardens;engaging people - Edinburgh
Feb. 15- 17: American Public Gardens Association Symposium - Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.
Feb 13-16 : National Native Seed Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 3rd : Third International Symposium on the family Magnoliaceae, Cuba
Nov. 29 : 3rd public symposium of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA), Instituto de Ecologia, Xalapa, Mexico
Nov. 10-11 : Plants on the Move: How Public Gardens Can Help Control Invasive Plants, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle,IL
Oct. 25-26 : International Symposium of the Management and Cultivation of Urban Street Trees (Shanghai,China)
Oct. 13: Tree Canopy Conference, Haverford College, Pennyslvania
Oct. 11-12 : PlantNetwork Annual Conference ‘Skills and Standards’ , Manchester
Oct. 7-12 : AZH Conference, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cincinnati, Ohio
Oct. 5 - 8 : First Congress of Botanic Gardens in South America - Jardín Botánico de Córdoba
Sept 1-10 : IUCN World Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii
Aug. 29 - September 1: Fifth International EcoSummit; Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change - France
Aug. 13-17: ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show - Fort Worth, Texas
July 18-22: Island Biology 2016 - International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal
June 29, 2016 : Woody Plant Conference, Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
June 28-29, 2016 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals Missouri Botanial Garden
June 6-10: APGA Conference, Miami, FL. ,Changing Perspectives, Planting For The Future
May 30- June 3 - Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference - France
May 29 - BGANZ Open Day
May 16-19 - Gene Conservation of Tree Species – Banking on the Future, Chicago IL., USA
May 6 - National Public Gardens Day