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ArbNet is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme! This funding opportunity supports the development of international collaborations between gardens and arboreta for the purpose of exchanging skills, resources and expertise to advance tree conservation. We are excited to see what these partnerships will accomplish over the next year!


City of Columbia, Stephen’s Lake Park Arboretum (USA) & Grigadale Arboretum (Argentina)


City of Columbia (Level II)                                             Grigadale Arboretum (Level I)

The purpose of this project is to develop a “complete” collection of Q. acerifolia, by capturing the maximum amount of genetic variability across the species as possible, through the planting of both seed-derived groves, as well as grafted clones that represent the known four sites where this species exists. The potential for subsequent phenotypic evaluation of both morphological and phenological traits across individuals representing these remaining locations will be useful for the study of adaptive traits that should help to guide future re-introduction efforts for this species. With the seedlings currently on hand from the 2019 trips, and the seed and scions we will hopefully collect in 2021 this effort will represent the most comprehensive collection of wild-sourced plants for this endangered species. While Q. arkansana has a broader distribution range than Q. acerifolia, we hope to collect from numerous individuals which will represent those populations which have yet to be sampled in existing arboreta collections.


Institute of Botany after A. L. Takhtajyan NAS RA (Armenia) & The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University (USA)


Inst. of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan NAS RA            Arnold Arboretum

(Level II)

Armenia is one of the centers of high diversity, polymorphism and local endemism of the genus Pyrus L. (Rosaceae). About 32-34 Pyrus species grow in Armenia, 12 of which are endemics of Armenia, and 10 species are included in the Red Book of Plants of the RA and in the IUCN Red List. The aim of the project is the introduction of wild pears into living collections, which allows to maintain a sufficient level of their genetic diversity under ex situ conditions for their conservation, study, rational use, demonstration and education. Priority will be given to rare and endangered and economically valuable pear species. In Armenia these activities will be based on the living collection of the “Flora and Vegetation of Armenia” Plot of the Yerevan Botanic Garden NAS RA. In the project collaborative relationship with the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University will be established providing knowledge exchange, consultations, exchange of different species, varieties, forms for the pear collections creation. In the framework of the project, the living collection of wild pears will be enriched with new taxa from various natural populations, scientific data on introduced pears biology and their adaptive potential will be obtained. To improve the condition of the pear collection in the Yerevan Botanical Garden, some horticultural works and restoration of the irrigation system will also be carried out.


MUSE botanic gardens, Trento (Italy) & Plants for life International at Brackenhurst Botanic Garden (Kenya)