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ArbNet is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme! This funding opportunity supports the development of international collaborations between gardens and arboreta for the purpose of exchanging skills, resources and expertise to advance tree conservation. We are excited to see what these partnerships will accomplish over the next year!


Tree Heritage Park (Nigeria) & Integrated Resource Management Association (AGIR)

Tree Heritage Park - Accredited Level II

Project: Digitized tree labelling and capacity building in the Tree Heritage Park


Yerevan Botanic Garden - Institute of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan (Armenia) & The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Botanical Garden (Ukraine)

Project: Conserving unique and ancient woody plant specimens in botanical garden collections through propagation of knowledge and interactive signage

Yerevan Botanic Garden - Accredited Level II


Yerevan Botanic Garden - Institute of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan (Armenia) & Kulob Botanic Garden (Tajikistan)

Project: Armenian-Tajik initiative for the ex situ conservation of regionally endemic and endangered wild crop relatives and ornamental trees (part II)