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Forum Post Contest

Would you like to win an hour of professional development/networking and a week of ArbNet social media advertising for your arboretum?


ArbNet is hosting a Forum Post Contest for anyone who is a member of our online forum community. To be entered all you need to do is post an arboretum related question or comment on the forum between August 1st and 31st. You can be entered up to five times for five separate posts, but don’t let that stop you from sharing more of your thoughts and questions. Position yourself and your arboretum as experts by answering unresolved questions or posting on hot topics!

At the end of the contest a member will be randomly selected from all entries and will be contacted by phone to discuss institutional interests and promotional material. Based on the needs of the winning institution a knowledgeable expert from the ArbNet community who can assist on these interests will be chosen for an hour long video chat. For smaller arboreta/individuals, this will help to develop programs and skills not yet met (ranging anywhere from talking with a member of our living collections department about proper labeling, tagging, and databasing of plant accessions to meeting with the education department to develop tree identification events). For larger arboreta, this could lead to professional networking and collaboration opportunities.

There are TREEmendous outreach opportunities through the media blitz. The winning arboretum/individual will be displayed across all of ArbNet’s social media platforms for one week and featured in the October newsletter. As ArbNet’s media accounts are followed by over 500 individuals/institutions globally and ArbNet stands as the only international accreditation program for arboreta, this ArbNet social media blitz positions any institution into previously untapped professional circles.

Remember to specify yourself or your arboretum at the end of each post and to always be professional and respectful of every member of the community. If you have any questions regarding the contest details, please contact Christina Carrero at ArbNet,

To register as a Forum member on ArbNet, click here. And to access our online forum, click here.

Good Luck!