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ArbNet is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme! This funding opportunity supports the development of international collaborations between gardens and arboreta for the purpose of exchanging skills, resources and expertise to advance tree conservation. We are excited to see what these partnerships will accomplish over the next year!

Below, are the names of the awarded recipients:

Jardín Botánico de Cartagena "Guillermo Piñeres" (Columbia) & Missouri Botanical Garden (USA)

Conservation horticulture actions for Colombian caribbean tropical dry forest threatened species


Donald E. Davis Arboretum (USA) & Greenhouse Konservasi Flora Sumatra Selatan (Indonesia)

A Reciprocal Learning Project: Building Conservation Based Plant Collections in Southern United States and Southern Sumatra


Vallarta Botanical Gardens (Mexico) & Bartlett Tree Research Labs and Arboretum (USA)

Acorn collection and propagation of two endangered oak species in western Mexico


Botanical Garden of the Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA (Armenia) & Paktia University (Afghanistan)

Afghan-Armenian Initiative for the IUCN assessment and conservation of several rare endemic Prunus species in Afghanistan