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The Arboretum at Holy Cross

The Arboretum at Holy Cross
The arboretum was founded to provide the Holy Cross congregation and surrounding local community a peaceful oasis which promotes the use of native trees of Missouri; providing beauty while benefiting wildlife. The oasis of trees on the corner of Miami St. and Ohio St. has existed for over a century in the City of St. Louis on the grounds of Historic Holy Cross Lutheran Church built in 1867. Since 2016 additional trees have been planted seasonally expanding the tree collection to over 50 species. Amongst the trees are the native plant habitat gardens started in 2015, highlighting an azalea woodland, bog, savanna, prairie and glade habitats.
Tree highlights include large mature examples of: Carya tomentosa (Mockernut Hickory), Carya texana (Black Hickory), Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory), Quercus alba (White Oak), Juglans nigra (Black Walnut), and Diospyrus virginiana (American Persimmon). The collection contains over 50 tree species including young examples of Castanea ozarkensis ‘Schoolhouse’ (blight resistant Ozark Chestnut selection),Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak), Benthamidia florida (Flowering Dogwood) Pinus echinata (Short leaf Pine) and many more.