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The Deal Arboretum at Shawnee State University

The Deal Arboretum at Shawnee State University
The Deal Arboretum at Shawnee State University stretches across the 65 acres of the campus in Portsmouth, Ohio. Housed within the arboretum are approximately 400 trees representing more than 100 species. The arboretum grants students and visitors to the campus access to the arboricultural diversity of the eastern deciduous forest, one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the northern hemisphere. Four Tree Trails have been established on campus. Trails highlight; trees of economic value, trees of significance to Appalachia, trees from around the world, and relics from geological history. Corresponding maps are available to the public on their website and can be accessed in real time as each tree is visited along a trail. The in-house Tree Care Committee works year-round to support tree management, procure new specimens, and shape the landscape of the campus. The Deal Arboretum at Shawnee State University is one of many features that makes their small regional campus exceptional.