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Dominick Arboretum

Dominick Arboretum
Established in 2008 Dominick Arboretum is a diverse native Central Texas Hill Country wildlife habitat. Currently the 11 acre woodland / prairie / riparian ecosystems' vegetation diversity has been enhanced with the planting of 650 trees & shrubs representing 250 native and 50 adaptive species to our Comal & surrounding counties within the Edwards Plateau Ecoregion. Texas Ecoregion Native Collection focus is primarily Edwards Plateau, secondarily Southern Texas Plains and thirdly Texas Blackland Prairies and Chihuahuan Desert. Significant Genus Collections include Quercus, Oaks; Acer, Maples; Rhus, Sumacs, Parkinsonia, Palo Verdes; and Caesalpinia, Bird of Paradise.

311 Clear Lake Drive, New Braunfels, Texas 78132- 1847, United States,
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