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Grigadale Arboretum

Grigadale Arboretum
Grigadale Arboretum was established in 1992 by Duncan and Bridget Cameron and is currently managed and curated by Roderick Cameron. The mission of the Arboretum is to showcase and preserve the biodiversity of trees by establishing documented collections of selected tree genera and sharing them with the public through visits in situ and visual catalogues on its website. The Arboretum covers an area of approximately five hectares, and the focus of the Arboretum is a collection of Quercus consisting of established trees of over 100 oak taxa. Notable specimens include Quercus dentata, Q. agrifolia, Q. phillyreoides, Q. semecarpifolia, Q. arkansana (Vulnerable, IUCN Red List) and Q. baloot (Champion Tree in cultivation). The collection database is published online and will shortly be made available through BGCI’s GardenSearch. Open Days, which include a guided tour, are held on an annual basis at the Arboretum, and the Quercus collection may be visited upon request throughout the year.