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Marlboro Township Arboretum

Marlboro Township Arboretum
The Marlboro Arboretum, begun in 2018, is adjacent to and partially surrounds the 170-plot Marlboro Community Garden. Both are located on a four-acre parcel of Open Space. The trees are all young and of various sizes, from whips to nursery size, many donated from the back yards of community gardeners. The goal of the arboretum is to provide township residents an opportunity to see and identify trees native to this area, as well as to enjoy a quiet, shaded walk outdoors. Establishing an ArbNet-accredited arboretum in Marlboro Township is an important indicator of our commitment to the environment, especially given our canopy depletion due to development, tree diseases and animal predation.

82 Tennent Road, Morganville, New Jersey 07751, United States,
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