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The Minnesota Goose Garden
The Minnesota Goose Garden
The Minnesota Goose Garden is a 5 acre Botanical and Indigenous History garden located in East Central MN. It contains an 830' Canadian Goose, a 150' gosling and a 70' diameter nest. The flora was planted according to their mature height to produce those living sculptures. A mile of paths throughout display signage and tags with flora names in Latin, English and Ojibwe, and their uses. There are also over 60 sculptures of humans, totems, animals, and fungi. Some more unique trees are Musclewood / Blue Beech-(Carpinus caroliniana) which create the inner neck of the Goose, Cherry/Black Birch-(Betula lenta), Swamp Birch-(Betula pumila), Ironwood-(Ostrya virginiana), Leatherwood (Dirca palustris), Moosewood/Striped Maple-(Acer pensylvanicum).

3104 355th Avenue, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072-2026, United States,
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