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San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s botanical collections are a lush, living treasure that enhance the wildlife experience while advancing global conservation efforts. Founded in 1916 and spanning over 1,900 acres between both the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, these collections feature more than 2 million plants, including many rare and threatened species. From towering Champion thorn trees to endangered Hawaiian palms, the diverse array of plants is meticulously curated to inspire and educate visitors on the importance of plant biodiversity. As accredited botanical gardens and arboreta with robust conservation facilities, SDZWA contributes to scientific advancement and plant conservation on a global scale.
SDZWA is an active member in BGCI’s Global Conservation Consortia, with a special emphasis on our Species Stewards work with cycads (GCCC) and oaks (GCCO). Much of this work involves working with partner organizations to develop meta collections, in-situ population surveys and drive research in micropropagation and cryopreservation. Through the Beckman Center for Conservation Research they house a native plant gene bank, manage the Baja Rare program to work with the public and botanists across the border, and strive to preserve the critically endangered Torrey Pine.