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Walnut Point Arboretum

Walnut Point Arboretum

Walnut Point Arboretum


Walnut Point Arboretum, a true “micro arboretum,” is located on a small but beautiful property historically named the Philip Caswell House, built in 1850. The local neighborhood is referred to as “The Point” in Newport. This name is reminiscent of the times when this land was the “The Point” of native forest edge pushing out against urban civilization.

The mission of Walnut Point Arboretum is to encourage people who have the opportunity to plant anything at all to do so, and to do so creatively, even with limited space and resources and only a beginner’s knowledge. Walnut Point Arboretum seeks to educate people about the integration of nature into living spaces and emphasize restoration and refurbishment of spaces over destruction and rebuilding.

Accredited Arboretum Level I image
45 Third Street, Newport, Rhode Island 02840, United States,
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