Resources related to sustainability practices and reducing environmental impact for arboreta and public gardens. Questions? Please contact the ArbNet Coordinator at
- Sustainable Sites Initiative
- EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator
- LEED green building rating system
Arboretum- and Garden-Targeted
- The Climate Toolkit for Museums, Gardens, and Zoos (Phipps, American Alliance of Museums, American Public Gardens Association, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, and Association of Science and Technology Centers)
- Public Gardens Sustainability Index (American Public Gardens Association)
- The role of botanic gardens in practicing and promoting environmental sustainability (Botanic Gardens Conservation International)
- Botanic gardens and their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (BGjournal January 2018 issue)
- Benefits of Trees (Turner-Skoff & Cavendar 2019)
- Sustainability education in a botanical garden promotes environmental knowledge, attitudes and willingness to act (Zelenika et al 2018)
- Botanic Gardens as Models of Environmental Sustainability (part D of Botanic Gardens Conservation International's Manual on Planning, Developing and Managing Botanic Gardens)
- Botanic Gardens and Sustainability: Providing a Pathway Forward for Humanity and the Planet (Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens special issue 2024)
- Reimagining Relationships with Resources as a Public Garden: Case Studies of Longwood Gardens’ Sustainability and Stewardship Practices (Turner-Skoff et al. 2024)
- Botanic Gardens and Their Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainabily journal special issue 2022)
- Renovated Bartholdi Park Achieves SITES Gold Certification (U.S. Botanic Garden)
- Botanic Gardens, People and Plants for a Sustainable World (following the 8th European Botanic Gardens Congress 2018)
- ArbNet/BGCI Botanic Garden Reciprocal Accreditation Sustainability Addendum
Wood Recycling & Reuse
- Urban Wood Resource Page (Urban Wood Network)
- TEDx Urban Wood Utilization & Carbon (Dr. George Berghorn, Urban Wood Network)
- Upcycle Urban Wood: Putting Urban Tree Waste to Work (Arbor Day Foundation)
- Urban Wood Reuse - action guide, research, and case studies (Vibrant Cities Lab, U.S. Forest Service, and America Forests)
- Examples - Reduce, Reuse, Treecycle (ArbNet)