Resources related to establishing and managing living and non-living collections of trees. To contribute a resource to the Tree Collections database, please contact the ArbNet Coordinator at
Collections Policy
- Sample collections policy (ArbNet)
- Collections policy overview (ArbNet)
- No Plant Collection without a Strategy or Policy (Chapter 3 of BGCI's Manual on Planning, Developing and Managing Botanic Gardens)
- Arboretum Plant Collections Policy (Connecticut College)
- Collections Management Plan (Newport Arboretum)
- Collections Policy (United States Capitol Grounds)
- Cemetery Collections Policy (Arlington National Cemetery)
- Collections Summary (Arlington National Cemetery)
- Collections Management Manual (Moore Farms Botanical Gardens)
- Living Collections Management Policy ( Springfield Botanical Gardens)
- Tree Care Plan (University of Pennsylvania)
- Tree Care Plan (Forest Hill Cemetery)
- Tree Care Master Plan (Columbia Gardens Cemetery)
- Arboriculture Procedures Manual (Oak Park)
- Collections Master Plan summary (The Morton Arboretum)
- Plant Collections Policy table of contents (The Morton Arboretum)
- Purpose and Trends in Exchange of Plant Material Between Botanic Gardens (BGCI Technical Review)
- Plant Collection Toolkit (APGA)
- Characteristics of an Exemplary Living Plant Collection (ArbNet)
- Curation and Management Session - (ArbNet Conference 2021)
- The Ins & Outs of Plant Records, Workshop – (ArbNet Conference 2021)
- Plant Inventory Operations Manual (The Arnold Arboretum)
- Standards of Excellence in Plant Collections Management (APGA)
- "Clean Collections: The Front Lines of Pest and Pathogen Mitigation" (USDA Ag. Research Service, SFPUC, Longwood Gardens - APGA Conf. 2018)
- "Safeguarding Our Tree Collections: Gardens Coordinate to Manage Diversity" (Griffith et al. - APGA Conf. 2018)
- Standards of Excellence in Plant Collections Management (APGA)
- Metacollections management: New approaches for improving living conservation collections (resource page for AGPA Conf. 2023 workshop)
- GRIN-U - online learning for plant genetic resources conservation and use; aimed at helping genebank staff gain and enhance their skills in these areas. Information is also be provided to guide plant breeders and geneticists in uncovering gene functions and incorporating useful genes into new varieties
- Tree Inventory Analysis Report (Green-Wood Cemetery)
- Landscape Master Plan Appendix (Green-Wood Cemetery)
- Field Techniques Used by Missouri Botanical Garden for Preparing Botanical Specimens - These notes have been compiled to aid people in collecting and preparing high quality botanical specimens more effectively. In some cases, such as field book size, rather than make a recommendation, the advantages and disadvantages of different options are discussed.
- Biological Nomenclature (Hagley Museum and Library)
Database Management
- Document your collections overview (ArbNet)
- ESRI - APGA application process
- List of required information for plant records (ArbNet)
- Collections Software Comparison (ArbNet)
- Modernizing Plant Records Management (U.S. National Park Service & Olmsted Center) - an overview and evaluation of digital recordkeeping tools
- Example Collections Species Listing (Providence Arboretum)
- "Introduction and Advanced Collection Management with IrisBG" (APGA Conf. 2018)
- "CRM, POS, OMG! Navigating Data and Systems to realize Your Institution's Fuller Potential"(Conley et al. - APGA Conf. 2018)
Collections and database management software:
Useful Databases
- GardenSearch (BGCI)
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
- Global Tree Search (BGCI)
- International Code of Nomenclature for algae, funghi and plants
- International Plant Names Index (IPNI)
- Identification Keys (Arboretum Wespelaar)
- Illustrated taxa (Arboretum Wespelaar)
- Morton Register
- PlantSearch (BGCI)
- PlantSnap: comprehensive and accurate plant identification app (endorsed by BGCI and APGA)
- Plants of the World Online (POWO) Kew
- Uploading collections data to Plant Search: tutorial - You tube video
- The Plant List
- ThreatSearch (BGCI)
- Trees and Shrubs Online (International Dendrology Society)
- The World Flora Online (An online flora of all known plants)
- World List of Cycads
Labeling & Walking Maps
- Image of example label
- Label Making Comparison Guide (ArbNet)
- Online Mapping Comparison Guide (ArbNet)
- Graphic Design Software Comparison Guide (ArbNet)
- "How Do You Get There? Digital Mapping in a Garden Setting" (Longwood Gardens, Arnold Arboretum, U.S. Botanic Garden - APGA Conf. 2017)
- Interactive map (Elon University)
- GPS Mapper - Engage By Cell (Cincinnati Nature Center)
- Tree walking tour (The Arboretum at Salve Regina University)
- Walking Tour Map (The Arboretum Rhodes College arboretum)
- Tree Guide - Walking Map (Brookfield Zoo)
- Tree Trail Brochure - (Elon University Botanical Garden)
- Map & Brochure (Louise W. Moore County Park Arboretum)
- Sample Tree Care Plan (ArbNet)
- Tree and Plant Terminology (The Morton Arboretum)
- Developing and Managing Trees - (ArbNet Conference 2021)
- How to plant a tree video tutorial (Iowa DNR)
- Tree Planting & Care Resources (Arbor Day Foundation)
- A Guide: Developing a Street and Park Tree Management Plan (U.S. Forest Service)
- Tree Pruning Essentials video (Purdue University)
- Hazard Tree Management (U.S. Forest Service)
- Tree Management Tree Protection Standards for Construction and Animals (Pennsylvania State University - APGA Conf. 2017)
- Protecting Trees During Construction (Colorado State University Extension)
- Plant Health Care Clinic (The Morton Arboretum)
- Mulching Trees & Shrubs (The Morton Arboretum)
- International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
Invasive Species & Pest Monitoring
- Public Gardens as Sentinels against Invasive Plants (PGSIP) - website
- The U.S. Capitol Grounds and Arboretum: an iconic landscape with a holistic approach to pest management
- PGSIP Guidelines - PDF
- Early Detection & Distribution Mapping Systems (EDD) - tool to detect range shifts of invasive species/pests
- Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center - useful resources on pests
- Invasive Plant Species - Voluntary Codes of Conduct For Botanic Gardens & Arboreta
- International Plant Sentinel Network (IPSN)
- IPSN Pests/Pathogens Awareness Resources for European Oaks
- Sentinel Plant Network (SPN)
- North Central IPM Center
- Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector (Book)
Seed Collecting and Plant Propagation
- Seedlot Selection Tool (U.S. Forest Service, Oregon State University, Conservation Biology Institute)
- Tropical Nursery Manual (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)
- Hardwood Nursery Guide (U.S. Forest Service)
- National Nursery and Seed Directory (RNGR)
- Field Collecting Form (The Morton Arboretum)
- Propagation Protocol Manual (BGCI)
For non-specialists from the Global Trees Campaign:
- How to design and manage a tree nursery
- How to collect seeds from threatened tree species
- How to store seeds and prepare them for germination
- How to germinate seeds and care for young seedlings
- How to solve germination problems
International Collecting Expeditions
- Information on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- BGCI Learning modules on Access and Benefit Sharing and the Nagoya Protocol of the CBD
Grants & Funding
Urban Forestry